PhD Candidate • Psychometrician
Psychologist • Learning Scientist


Hello! My name is Diego Campos. I am a P.hD. Candidate at the University of Oslo at CEMO.I work on the topics of Measurement & Evaluation in Education. My research interests are related to the use of IPD meta-analysis to synthesize information from data obtained under complex sampling designs.My methodological research focus is on Multilevel Latent Variable Models, specifically: MSEM, SEM, MASEM, and Meta-Analytic (multilevel) models.I embrace the values of open science and strive for replicable and reproducible research.


My current investigation focuses on the use of multivariate meta-analysis to summarize educational evidence. The goal of my research is to compile and present the evidence of complex relationships using raw data from complex survey studies. You can check the **MILSA project website** to find more information. The goals of the project are:- Develop and evaluate analytic approaches to synthesizing specific results of ILSAs using meta-analyses.
- Conduct meta-analyses that address educationally relevant research questions with ILSA data.
- Provide tools and guidelines for researchers who wish to synthesize the results of ILSAs for a specific research question.


- Campos, D. G., Fütterer, T., Gfrörer, T., Lavelle-Hill, R. E., Murayama, K., König, L., Hecht,M., Zitszmann, S., & Scherer, R. (2023). Screening Smarter, Not Harder: A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Screening Algorithms and Heuristic Stopping Criteria for Systematic Reviews in Educational Research. Educational Psychology Review. 36(1). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10648-024-09862-5.- König, L., Zitzmann, S., Fütterer, T., Campos, D. G., Scherer, R., & Hecht, M. (2023). When to stop and what to expect—An Evaluation of the performance of stopping rules in AI-assisted reviewing for psychological meta-analytical research. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/ybu3w- Campos, D. G., & Scherer, R. (2023). Digital Gender Gaps in Students’ Knowledge, Attitudes and Skills: An Integrative Data Analysis Across 32 Countries. Education and Information Technologies. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-023-12272-9- Campos, D. G., Cheung, W.-L.M., & Scherer, R. (2022). A Primer on Synthesizing Individual Participant Data Obtained From Complex Sampling Surveys: A Two-Stage IPD Meta-Analysis Approach. Psychological Methods. https://doi.org/10.1037/met0000539- Scherer, R., & Campos, D. G. (2022). Measuring those who have their minds set: An item-level meta-analysis of the implicit theories of intelligence scale in education. Educational Research Review, 37, 100479. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.edurev.2022.100479- Wirts, C., Reber, K., & Gonzalez-Campos, D. (2020). SpraBi: Fragebogen und App zur Dokumentation sprachlicher Bildungsaktivitäten in der Kita. In: K. Mackowiak, C. Beckerle, S. Gentrup, & C. Titz (Eds.), Forschungsinstrumente im Kontext institutioneller (schrift-)sprachlicher Bildung (pp. 55-78). Bad Heilbrunn: Verlag Julius Klinkhardt. https://doi.org/10.35468/5801_04- González-Campos, D., Olarte, D. F., & Corredor, J. A. (2017). La alfabetización tecnológica: de la informática al desarrollo de competencias tecnológicas.
Estudios pedagógicos, 43(1), 193-212. https://dx.doi.org/10.4067/S0718-07052017000100012
- Corredor, J.A., Castro, J.C., Jimenez, T.A., Narvaez, J.C., Penagos, J.A., Alviar, M.C.,
Gonzalez, D.A., Castro, D., & Bonilla, C. A. (2015). Los nuevos medios de la memoría:Herramientas digitales al servicio de la memoría histórica. Centro Nacional de Memoria Histórica. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.13593.26728

Research Grants

- Campos, D. C. (2022). Visiting Researcher Stimulus Fund. Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Oslo. (€ 6 517.60).- Fütterer, T., Campos, D.G, Gfrörer, T., Lavelle-Hill, R., Scherer., R., Murayama., K. (2022). Artificial Intelligence Assisted Systematic Literature Reviews and Meta-Analyses. LEAD Graduate School & Research Network at the University of Tübingen. (€ 9 615,36).- Campos, D. C. (2017). Colfuturo Scholarship for High Achieving Students (US$ 29 930).- Campos, D. C. (2013). National Program of initiation in research, creation, and innovation of the National University ofColombia 2013-2015 (€ 1 200).


- Campos, D. G., Cheung, M-W., & Scherer, R. (2023). Synthesizing Contextual Effects: A Comparison of the Two-Stage Meta-Analytic and One-Stage Multilevel Modeling Approaches in the presence of Individual Participant Data. Frontier Research in Educational Measurement.- Campos, D. G., Fütterer, T., Gfrörer, T., Lavelle-Hill, R., Murayama., K., König, L., Hecht, M., Zitzmann., S., & Scherer,R. (2023). Assessing the Performance of ASReview for Abstract Screening in Systematic Reviews in Education: A Benchmarking and Evaluation Project. Research Synthesis and Big Data Conference.- Campos, D. G. (2022). Synthesizing Individual Participant Data Obtained From Complex Sampling Surveys: A Two-Stage IPD Meta-Analysis Approach. AERA Special Interest Group In Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis: Online Seminar. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVggoVOFJO8- Campos, D. G., Cheung, M-W., & Scherer, R. (2022). Synthesizing research on complex sampling surveys: Two-stage meta-analysis with individual participant data. International Meeting of the Psychometric Society (IMPS).- Campos, D. G. & Scherer, R. (2022). Exploring the Role of Attitudes Toward ICT in the Gender Digital Divide: An analysis with International Large-Scale Assessment Data. Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA).- Campos, D. G., Kharlamov, A., & Scherer, R., (2022). Assessing Mindsets: A Meta-Analysis of the Reliability and Factor Structure of Dweck’s Mindset Scale. AERA Annual Meeting.- Campos, D. G., Cheung, M-W., & Scherer, R. (2021). Meta-Analyzing International Large-Scale Assessment Data: An Application of the Split, Analyze, and Meta-Analyze (SAM) Approach. Research Synthesis and Big Data Conference 2021.- Campos, D. G. (2021). A quest for the factors associated with collaborative problem solving. Get To Know CEMO.- Campos, D. G., Cheung, M-W., & Scherer, R. (2021). When Meta-Analysis Meets International Large-Scale Assessment Data: Applications of the Two-Stage IPD Meta-Analysis Approach. 9th IEA: International Research Conference.-Campos, D. G. (2021). Introduction to Meta-Analyses of Structural Equation Models with {metaSEM}. Use R Oslo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyfIt2iNTu0&t=11s


- MAE4000: Data Science.- MAE4112: Multilevel Models.- MAE4050: Current Topics and Debates in Assessment and Evaluation.- MAE4051: Selected Topics in Educational Measurement.- MAE4221: Research Seminar I: Researcher's Skills.- MAE4231: Research Seminar II: Researcher’s Skills and Professional Communication.


- Pasha, M. (2024). Cross-National Examination of Teachers' ICT Attitudes, ICT Self-Efficacy, and Instructional Practices with ICT: A Multigroup Structural Equation Modeling and Meta-Analytic Models Using ICILS 2018 data. Master Thesis.- Yousufzai, M. (2022). The Relation between Mathematics Anxiety and Achievement: A Study of the Moderating Role of Immigration Background on PISA 2012 Norwegian Students. Master Thesis.- Kharlamov, A (2021). Do Growth and Fixed Mindsets Go Together? Meta-analysis. Master Thesis.

Academic Service

Reviewer, Psychological Methods.
Reviewer, Education and Information Technologies.
Reviewer, Social Psychology of Education.
Reviewer, European Journal of Psychological Assessment.